Category Archives: Willow

R E Y | Book Week 2018

Ah book week, you have become something I can put my other creative desires to use but this year was not wholeheartedly that year however we did pull it together as Rey (Star wars) for a quick, no fuss costume: Rey Costume from BigW – $10 If time permitted – added real brown/pouch belt and…

The Palms

Just outside our house around 3pm the palm trees create a pretty cluster of silhouettes and today I asked Willow if she would let me take a couple photos in it. The brief (and bribe) was just to sit (no moving) and a couple of Easter eggs after. This is what we came up with…

Island Girl

She’s grown up in front of my lens but these days it isn’t about the biggest most cutest smiles rather me following her lead, observing a little more (quietly) and pretending like it isn’t a big deal – Happy Monday!
