Category Archives: Creations

Time To Rest By Natasha + Jack . Book Launch Event

Last Sunday I popped into see Natasha and Jack’s book launch – Time To Rest in Westend, capturing a few highlights on a very special day for them and their little family.. Time to Rest by Jack Carty Hosted By wherethewildthingsare_bookshop The creatives natashacartyillustration & jackcarty Please inquire within for all personal event photography:

Happy 2019!

Current desk situation with my plant babies: The Christmas tree and lights are all pulled down and this corner is back to it’s former self. My main fiddle is back inside the house now too and is happily growing (if not even better) after it’s first prune. Once where the Christmas tree resided is back…

Shell Collectors

I can always count on Willow to go for walks with me to collect shells on the beach & vice versa. Above: This was our final collection from Hamilton and my favourite find was the coral and shells stuck together below:

R E Y | Book Week 2018

Ah book week, you have become something I can put my other creative desires to use but this year was not wholeheartedly that year however we did pull it together as Rey (Star wars) for a quick, no fuss costume: Rey Costume from BigW – $10 If time permitted – added real brown/pouch belt and…

Happy House Plants

In my early 20s I started the indoor plant thing thanks to my mum’s lovely and available assortment yet I never understood why I’d kill them off sooner than I had a chance to enjoy them? I was baffled by how my mum would return home and just like magic, the plants would be green…
