In my early 20s I started the indoor plant thing thanks to my mum’s lovely and available assortment yet I never understood why I’d kill them off sooner than I had a chance to enjoy them? I was baffled by how my mum would return home and just like magic, the plants would be green again? I now understand it’s as simple as water (the right amount) and every few days (depending on the type of plant). It also helps no matter how pretty a plant is, it has to thrive indoors and in the right place – do your homework and read instructions.
For example my fiddles are very temperamental, there’s literally 2 spots in the house they seem to flourish with the brightest, healthiest looking green leaves (my gauge) and as soon as you move them you can see their colour change? Or some sad drooping will occur? Then there’s the Pothos plant which I recently added to the home this year and they require zero maintenance, just water and sufficient light. This plant is perfect for the beginner house plant enthusiast and to me they look awesome crawling wildly around the house.
This morning I finally planted the only snake plant I own. It travelled from Moreton island (just one stem) and it has happily sat by the kitchen sink in a jar since it’s arrival a few months ago now. Fingers crossed I can grow this baby into more stems and spread them out into pots over time.
I am literally turning into my mum and aunty on the green thumb front, yet I don’t mind!
MC xo
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Urban Jungle Bloggers