As the new year approaches I’d like to thank everyone who’s been apart of my 2011 journey so THAAANK YOOOOU from the bottom of my Jason Momoa Mandrew & Willow heart!!! This past year has been filled with lot’s of lessons and as Jasmine Star puts it ‘OHMYGODWHATAREWEDOING’ or in my case ‘OHMYGODWHATHAPPENEDTOMYCAMERA!!??’. Despite some blood, sweat and tears along the way I wouldn’t change a thing. In fact, it’s made me stronger, with muscles and determination to shoot 16 hour weddings all by myself – uh yeah! I also got to see 2 of my closest friends get married and even live out my dream of being a bridesmaid but I’ll never do that again while also being the wedding photographer. Craziness! Shout out to Davi and Becky when my camera died. Twice. Becky – you are an angel! Elleni you rock, Glenn and Gabriel you also rock! Here’s some of my favorite wedding moments for 2011 and now I feel like listening to that JayZ song ‘get that dirt off your shoulder‘ to welcome myself into the new year...GET THAT DIRT OFF YOUR SHOULDERS!