Monthly Archives: March 2016

The Secret Life Of…

We’re having a good day over here (sleepy baby) so I thought I’d fit in another post about a few shows I’ve watched on Foxtel (Lifestyle channel) lately to help pass the time. Rachel Hunter’s Tour of Beauty – Living out my final days in Greece was always an idea and this particularly episode just…

One Month Old Oakli

Last Sunday we hit the one month old mark with Oakli and I’ve been eagerly counting each day that passes in hopes that things get easier and better. It’s been a fuzzy month recovering from childbirth, surviving the sleep deprivation, feeding and sleeping habits of a newborn baby. I suddenly have immense respect for all my…


All I’ve known is just Willow’s baby face until Oakli came along and suddenly her face seems a whole lot more grown up. The first couple of weeks postpartum I was pretty hormonal amongst other things and just the thought of Willow and I not sharing our bedtime rituals just made me cry (and it…
